Action Happens (17)

(48 of 147)
Josh's Blog
Woah, hey, a blog? This hasn't happened in a while, neat!

Basically, I've been busy as anything. I got surgery, and I'm currently in the middle of three shows, two I'm in, one I'm directing. Fun times!

Anyway, I'm a pretty big fan of action happens. I was looking back through my content, and I found that I have up till the beginning of May backlogged, and through June at least in pictures.

Then I realized I hated the stuff I had gotten for my next stuffed animal adventure, so I cut it. Now I need more pictures, and I've got about a month to do so. Note to self - don't procrastinate any more!

After this, one more already planned, and aftre that? Mystery! Even I don't know what I'll put up. I'll bet you it'll be funny.

Or at least pictures of something.